The Texas Chemistry Council is proud to announce the 1st Annual EHS Student Poster Competition to showcase and recognize students enrolled in community colleges and interested in a career within the petrochemical industry to express their work in the area of environmental, health and safety.
The student poster presentations will be showcased at the 2025 Texas-Louisiana EHS Seminar & Industry Trade Show in Galveston, Texas and winners can receive up to $1,000 in prize money. All student submissions will receive a Certificate of Participation. Judges selected from within industry will meet with students to present their poster and answer questions. Poster presentations will be judged on relevant content, visual appeal, student knowledge, scientific content, potential benefit to industry, organization, student presentation, and response to questions. Click HERE to view our one page flyer and share at your schools! Students, this is your chance to get involved and take advantage of incredible opportunities. Don’t miss out on the benefits waiting for you!
- Networking and engage with Industry professionals who can offer valuable insights and constructive feedback.
- Meet potential mentors, collaborators and future employers who can help advance your career
- Gain recognition for your work and establish yourself as an emerging expert in your area of study.
- Discover new opportunities and learn about internships, jobs, conferences or grants from the people you meet.
- All presenters will receive complimentary registration to the EHS Seminar & Industry Tradeshow.
Presenter Eligibility: To be considered, presenters must be nominated by a member of academic program facility, have qualifications in good standing with their academic program, and possess the technical expertise necessary to present on a subject effectively.
Students must be currently enrolled in an institution of higher learning OR have graduated within 6 months of the conference start date. Data used for the poster competition must have been collected while enrolled in school.
Selection Criteria: All the criteria must be met in order to qualify
- All sections of the application are complete. Application will be available soon.
- Poster presentation description is clearly written.
- Learning objectives are clearly stated.
- Poster presentation is supported by evidence-based data from research or demonstrated results.
- Poster presenters have sufficient experience and knowledge of the subject matter.
- Poster presentation maintains professionalism in both poster and presentation (as outlined above).
- Poster presentation is not used to market products or services and is free from commercial bias.
- Click HERE to fill out the submission form for approval. The deadline date to submit is Friday, May 3.
Poster Guidelines:
- Poster Content: Ensure that your poster presents original research or findings related to environmental, health, and safety. Topics may include but are not limited to occupational safety, environmental regulations, risk assessment, emergency response, hazardous materials management, process safety management, or sustainability, industrial hygiene.
- Poster Size and Format: Posters should be are typically inches by 45 x 42 inches. Poster should be laid out in landscape orientation.
- Poster Section Requirements:
- Title and Authors: Include a clear and concise title at the top of your poster, along with the names and affiliations of all authors.
- Abstract: Include a brief abstract summarizing the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of your research.
- Introduction: Provide background information on the topic and clearly state the objectives or research questions of your study.
- Methods: Describe the methods or approach used to conduct your research. Include details on data collection, analysis techniques, and any relevant protocols followed.
- Results: Present your findings in a clear and organized manner. Use graphs, charts, tables, and visuals to enhance the presentation of your results. Ensure that all figures are labeled and easy to interpret.
- Discussion: Interpret the results of your study and discuss their implications for environmental health and safety practice. Address any limitations or potential areas for future research.
- Conclusion: Summarize the key findings of your research and emphasize the significance of your work.
- References: Provide a list of references cited in your poster using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, AMA, IEEE, or Vancouver).
- Submission Deadline: What would the deadline be - Presenter Availability: At minimum, one author is required to attend the conference. At least one author is available during the poster session to present the research, answer questions, and engage with conference attendees. Presenter will be notified in advance of times Poster Sessions will be open.
- The presenter will provide a 3-5 minute lightning talk describing their research to attendees.
- Presenters should be available for the duration of the session, approximately two hours. Presenters will be notified of set-up and tear-down times in advance.
Additional Information:
Do not use thick foam board to mount your posters. Roll your poster and place it in a tube or secure with a rubber band and bring it to the conference with you to the Seminar. You will not be able to mail your poster in advance.
- The Seminar will provide cork boards and push pins to mount posters.
- You will be emailed location of poster sessions in advance and there will be signage on-site.
- As a poster presenter, we will provide you complimentary registration to the Seminar. You will have to pick-up your badge in Registration and will receive a ribbon identifying you as a student poster presenter.
- Pure Salt/Texas Brine is the generous sponsor for the printing of your posters. All Poster Presenters will be emailed our printer provider in advance. If you choose not to use our provider, you will be responsible for your own printing expenses. Our printer will be located on Galveston Island.
Posters will be judged on organization, presentation, visual aids, and response to questions during judging. If there is more than one presenter, all authors must be present to answer questions, and all should participate equally. The judging schedule will be provided in advance by email. Judges will be given a reasonable time to observe posters and ask questions.
- Posters will be rated according to the Official Score Card by three judges and may include the subcommittee members of the Poster Presentation Contest. A sample of the score card is available for review HERE.
- Judges are appointed in advance of the contest by the subcommittee of the Poster Presentation Contest.
- At the conclusion of the judging, each judge shall indicate on the official score card the choice for first, second and third place. The Chair and Vice Chair of the EHS Seminar shall tabulate all judging scores and determine the top three placings.
Prizes will be awarded for first second and third place; all contestants will receive a Certificate of Participation; all participants will receive a commemorative collection pin; all participants will receive recognition ribbons for registration name badge.