
June 8, 2023
8:45AM - 9:45AM

Multi-Hazard Resistant Building Design for Critical Asset Protection

Karen Vilas, President, FORTRESS Protective Buildings

Expo A1

Many processing facilities contain highly hazardous materials and as such, require Mission Critical Buildings (MCBs) such as control rooms, remote instrument enclosures (RIEs), operator shelters, etc.  Due to their operational use, MCBs must remain functional during a crisis or catastrophe. In addition to natural hazards and malicious events, processing facilities face operational hazards including explosions, fragments, fires, and toxic events.  In the Chemical Safety Board’s (CSB) investigation findings of the Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) Refinery incident investigation report released on October 11, 2022, CSB includes a recommendation for the American Petroleum Institute (API) to update its standard to “require protection of critical safeguards and associated control system components from fire and explosion hazards, including radiant heat and flying projectiles.”  This recommendation, if implemented, will require facilities to ensure MCBs are built as Multi-hazard Resistant Buildings (MRBs), which can withstand a range of potential impacts.   This paper will discuss the key design characteristics of MRBs to protect critical assets in industrial processing facilities whether that be critical safeguards and control systems; emergency response equipment including communications and firewater equipment; or personnel critical to the operations and emergency response. First, this presentation will introduce the reader to key concepts of protective building design including response of different building materials to hazards common in processing facilities. Then, it will address how building response translates to vulnerability to internal components and people. Finally, a series of full-scale test videos will be shown to demonstrate how the two most utilized building materials for protective buildings, concrete and steel, protect against the range of hazards common in industrial processing facilities.

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