
June 5, 2023
11:00AM - 12:00PM

Guidance and Technical Issues related to Texas Risk Reduction Program

Rex Meyer, Portfolio Manager & Project Director, GeoMonitoring Services

Floral A2

This Presentation will address the basic guidance for working on a TRRP regulated site.  TCEQ has published Risk Tables that can be used to define Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) of a chemical or metal for Constituent of Concern (COC).  The tables provide universal (generic) risk PCL levels.  Applicants can use Modeling to develop site specific risk levels, the clean-up standards for remediation, or safe levels requiring no action under TRRP.  Areas that have concentrations above the PCL are referenced as PCLEs which are soils or groundwater that have EXCEEDANCES of TCEQ Tables.  The presentation will discuss the following acronyms and their meaning and significances – PRAA, RAER, RACR, DUS, VCP, COC, LNAPL, DNAPL, SIN, Remedy Standard A, Remedy Standard B, Institutional Controls, RBEL, TEL, and PMZ.

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