
June 8, 2023
10:00AM - 11:00AM

A Cornucopia of Air Permitting Topics

Aaron Hebert, Sr. Project Mgr., BGE & Jean Leonard, Sr. Project Mgr., BGE

Floral A1

Keep up with the latest lessons learned from the world of Air NSR Permitting.  The TCEQ’s guidance on how to use PBR registrations continues to change and often requires the additional use of 106.261 and 106.262.  Retrospective reviews to correct emission rates for existing sources or to add “newly identified” sources can require a lot of work to document past federal applicability and retrospective air dispersion modeling can present big challenges. Other tips, lessons-learned and case studies related to retrospective permitting, PBRs, as well as Title V updates for NSR projects, will be shared.

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