
June 6, 2023
11:15AM - 12:15PM

Sustainability Options In The Chemicals Industry

Doug White, Emerson Automation Solutions

Floral A2

To reach greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, many state, regional and national governments have implemented or are considering implementing low carbon fuel and fuel efficiency standards. The chemical industry, as a contributor to worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, is subject to these standards.  In response, most major chemical companies have announced Scope 1 and 2 Sustainability and Net-Zero targets. Possible investments to meet these regulations include energy efficiency projects; carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS); increased hydrogen fuel use; biofuel feedstocks and products; increased renewable based process electrification and others.  Investment decisions on the selection of investments must be made in a highly uncertain business environment with substantial feedstock/ product price volatility and limited capital availability. Advanced software and advanced automation applications can help guide overall emission reduction investment decisions and support cost effective implementation of the recommended strategies.  In this presentation we will review these applications and investment decisions aids and case studies of their use.

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