
June 8, 2023
1:45PM - 2:45PM

Advanced Approaches for Mitigating Occupant Vulnerability in Existing PEMBs

Travis Holland, Principal Engineer, BakerRisk

Expo A1

This presentation will explore the use of PEMBs in industrial processing facilities and highlight how upgrading these buildings for blast resistance is an achievable method to lower the explosion risk to occupants. First, this presentation will introduce how PEMBs respond to blast loads and highlight the drivers for occupant vulnerability in these structures. The presentation continues with a discussion on engineering methods that account for complex interaction between the building structure and the blast wave that can be utilized to significantly reduce structural upgrade requirements when compared to methods utilized only a few years ago. This portion of the presentation will include visual comparisons of engineering models and a discussion of engineering cost versus construction cost savings. Finally, while strengthening the structure of the metal building is an important component of upgrading the PEMB, this presentation will address non-structural occupant vulnerability mitigation factors for consideration as well, such as floor plan arrangement, to further protect building occupants. The presentation closes with a discussion on when blast resistant upgrades should be considered for existing buildings and the expected investment in cost and time to complete the design and construction effort.

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