
June 5, 2023
1:45PM - 2:45PM

UIC Deepwell Disposal: Past, Present, & Future, Regulations and Lessons Learned.

Daisy Gallagher, Sr. Geologist, Geostock Sandia

Floral A2

In the 1980’s, as part of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA), the Federal Government established  definitions for five classification types of injection well regulations to protect drinking water. The Class I type wells are defined as “deep injection disposal wells for hazardous and non-hazardous martials (not associated with Oil and Gas operations).” There are over 800 Class I Injection wells in the US, many operating safely since the 1970’s. There has been little spotlight in the past towards Class I injection operations, due to very few cases of environmental contamination, because of poor well construction. However, with current times and environmental interests, the Class I industry and the general public has generated a new interest with commercial and private injection well operations. This presentation will cover current and future practices related to injection well compliance.

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